Energy Bee LLC

Education Consulting and Solutions by

Energy Bee



Welcome to Energy Bee

Educational facilities planning, technology integration, green energy consulting, and more. My aim is to provide the tools for every teacher to create authentic, relevant work that inspires students to be lifelong learners. I remain a classroom teacher to maintain contact with those who my consulting ultimately impact: students. 




All estimates are free and flexible according to materials and scheduling.


Providing equity and opportunity for every student is why we absolutely must abandon standardized, talent sorting education, and immediately embrace individualized, talent developing education.

-Dr. Ott, from her TED talk “Grades Are Not Real”

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About Me

Tyler Digital

MY NAME IS Lindsey

I am an adventurer in every sense of the word.  I try to do something creative or try something new every day.  I try to come up with ways to transfer my love of learning and my willingness to jump without being about to see the ground to my students by letting them know that it is OK to fail, because I fail early and often.  I truly believe that it is my dharma to be a teacher.  My hobbies include a wide variety of things such as hunting, fishing, flying airplanes, SCUBA diving, quilting, reef and planted aquarium keeping, ATV riding, citrus gardening, reading any and all genres of books, raising coonhounds, and yoga.  While I love doing every one of these things, what I love even more is passing on my knowledge of these activities to others.



The goal of Energy Bee is to promote equity, personalization, authentic work, and collaborative design in education through the use of project based learning and career focused learning.



I truly believe that it is my dharma to be a teacher.